
How to cancel already sent mails

Mistakenly sending a mail to someone you never intend to can be annoying sometimes. You may have hit the reply all button or even worst forgot to attach a file.

Good news to all Gmail users, Google of recent, released a new feature that allows you to amend sent mails by delaying the mail for about 30 sec after you hit the send button.

This gives you 30 whole sec. to un-send sent mails: this feature has been in the public beta for six good years and now goggle has finally introduced this “undo send” feature to the web version of Google Gmail services.

This feature for now is not available for the Gmail mobile app. For smartphone devices. There is still hope for smartphones users as the company is making plans to roll out this feature foe the mobile app soon

Once enabled, this feature gives a whole 30 sec to you to unsend a mail just in case you have changed you mind.

How it works
Go to the gear icon in the top right corner of your Gmail and click on settings on from the menu.

There in general settings scroll down to undo send which by default is disabled.

Click enable and select a cancellation period up to 30 sec.

Click on save changes there at the bottom.

Once this is done, a yellow dialogue will appear once you send a mail “ you message has been sent”. This provides you with an undo option once you click on it.


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