
Al-Qaeda calls for more lone wolf attacks in US, France and others

Washington – Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
(AQAP) on Wednesday released a video calling for lone
wolf attacks in the U.S., France and other `disbeliever’

A group monitoring the jihadists’ activities, SITE
Intelligence, said in Washington that the video praised
the alleged gunman in an attack in July.
The attack which took place in the southern state of
Tennessee, killed four U.S. Marines and one Navy

The SITE Intelligence quoted AQAP official, Khalid-bin
Batarfi, who spoke in the nine-minute video, as
condemning America, France and other `disbeliever’

It said Batarfi was freed in April from a Yemeni prison.
“As you put limits to freedom of expression and punish
whoever goes against them, it is upon us to punish
whoever transgresses our boundaries and sanctities’”,
the terrorist was quoted as saying.


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